October 28, 2020 2 min read

On November 3rd, we have a
BIG opportunity to have our voices heard.


Here at Be Good to People®, we have a policy that wedon’t talk politics or religion because those two topics can sure get things heated quickly and this is not the place for that.

We want everyone here to feel they are loved, heard, and valued. We want it to be a comfortable space where we co-exist with our fellow humans of all different political leanings, colors, sizes, religions, cultures, gender identities, professions, physical and mental abilities – where the only rule we have is that we’re kind to one another here in the BGTP Community.

We want everyone here
to feel they are
loved, heard, and valued.

We want it to be a comfortable space where we co-exist with our fellow humans of all different political leanings, colors, sizes, religions, cultures, gender identities, professions, physical and mental abilities – where the only rule we have is that we’re kind to one another here in the BGTP Community.

This is a 100% non-partisan message.

This year however, this “unprecedented” year of 2020 in which we’re guessing every single one of us has learned to “pivot” and hopefully learn and grow in ways we hadn’t expected…we’re going to talk politics for just a moment.

Don’t get it twisted though…BGTP hasn’t, doesn’t and WON’T endorse any party or candidate and there is absolutely nothing in this message that is intended to do that. There are no hidden biases.

We just want
every single one of
you to VOTE.

If we are going to make this world a better place, we DO have to vote and let our individual voices be heard. It truly is a privilege that we cannot take for granted.



So by Tuesday, November 3rd, make the choice that you think is best.
We love you and will continue to believe that
Good will prevail in our world no matter how the election unfolds.

On election day, one thing we can all agree on is to
Be Good to People®.


We’re inviting you to bring BGTP to the polls with you to remind everyone – no matter which side a person is on, keep it kind.

Click on the graphic below and read the guidelines for a chance to WIN A $100 GIFT CARD at!

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